Sunday, April 21, 2013



We  are THRILLED beyond belief to share with EVERYONE that Brandon and I officially received AND accepted our referral on Saturday, April 20th, 2013.  It was a LONG eleven month wait for us.  One that had many ups and downs!  I truly don't think people understand the heartbreak you go through when waiting for a child you are adopting, unless you are or have gone through it!  There were many days with tears and fears....but they were all set aside the SECOND I receive that email!  WE did NOT expect to get a referral on a Saturday (it is very unheard of)!  When Friday came and went we assumed we were not getting it this week!  When I randomly checked my email and saw the words REFERRAL I thought for sure it was only a question!  When I opened the email and realized it was OUR REFERRAL I was overjoyed!  I called to Brandon, we read her file, and saw her beautiful pictures.  We were so happy (and of course there were definitely tears for me)!!  It was such an amazing moment!  We quickly accepted and shared with everyone!!

The little angel we were referred is 8, almost 9 months old!  Her birthday is July 27th, 2012, one day before my dads!  She is as CUTE as a button!  We couldn't be happier!  Please pray for our little angel (whose name we are still figuring out).  Pray for QUICK courts so we can get her home as soon as possible!  Now that we have a sweet face to look at I'm sure the 3 month wait is going to be a killer!!!!  I'm so thankful to have many wonderful friends that will be traveling to Ethiopia before us that will be taking pictures (top of the list is my sister who will be able to hold my angel and take pictures of the two cousins together)!

I want to thank EVERYONE that has been praying for us.  All the family members that have helped along the way, along with dear friends (many of which I have met while beginning this adoption)!  Your support has meant more to us than anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We won't be able to post pictures of our angel until we clear court, likely in July.  But, if you would like pictures come by for a visit :) :)