Saturday, January 12, 2013

Moving numbers..........

I realized that I haven't updated my blog in quite some time!!  In reference to our adoption we are technically number....
We had several slow months, but things are finally starting to turn around!!  Our adoption associate spoke with me not long ago and it looks like our referral could be within the next month or two!  Things are finally happening :)  Super exciting!  Brandon and I have been talking to Alexa more and more about having a sibling!  She is starting to get more excited about it!  

Speaking of my little angel, Alexa....she is such a joy!  Since going back to work, Alexa wants to snuggle with me more at night...which I LOVE!  She and I have been working on potty training (and she is getting more excited about that as well...still not consistent though).  She is learning more and more everyday!!  She loves to practice her abcs and count. She LOVES starfall and is a pro at using the i-pad!  She knows lots of her shapes (triangle, rhombus/diamond, circle, square, rectangle, oval).  She is so much fun to be with all the time. She is a creative person, who loves to color and draw!  However, she is really quite a tomboy.  Brandon and I are so lucky to have such an amazing daughter.

It is so amazing to think that in a few months Alexa will have a baby sibling!!!!!!!!!!  It is hard picturing my baby sitting there without a mother or father right I pray that God watches over my child until mommy and daddy can bring them home!!!

That's it for now :)